Year:2023   Volume: 5   Issue: 4   Area:

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  3. ID: 846

Shaimaa Fadhel Hammody ALKHAZAALY


This research deals with the image of rebellion and the rejection of heritage in modern Hebrew poetry. Poetry is considered a type of literature and one of its important basic forms. One of the literary genres, poetry has played an important role in shaping the cultural identity of nations throughout ancient and modern times. Where the Jewish writers distinguished themselves in this genre as one of the forms of social awareness, which occupies an important place and occupies an e ssential space in mobilizing societies and peoples and enlightening them to struggle for their liberation and crystallizing their revolutionary and civilizational awareness, in addition to the aesthetic function of poetry as an artistic value added to life. The phenomenon of rebellion and the rejection of the heritage emerged in Hebrew poetry in Israel and the departure from the official line of the ruling establishment in the wake of the wars that Israel waged with neighboring countries, the continuation of the occupation, the control of Jewish settlers over the Palestinian lands, and the increase in violence and injustice against the Palestinians. And the outbreak of the Palestinian uprisings since (1987-1993) and (2000) and Israel launched a war on Lebanon in 2006. All of this uttered cries of rebellion and rejection, and then expressed it in many poems. As a result, the phenomenon of rebellion and rejection poetry expanded in recent years. Hence, it can be said that the emergence of the literature of rebellion and rejection in Israel and the refusal of some Jewish writers to politicize literature and recruit it is tantamount to protesting and rebelling against the government and its institutions because they are trying to impose political dictates on their literary and intellectual writings... We will explain in this study the image of rebellion and the rejection of heritage by Jewish poets to the situation The ruling political and repressive practices in Israel and their impact on many poets as fertile material that poets derived and expressed in their poems

Keywords: Rebellion and Rejection of Heritage, Jewish Poets, Modern Hebrew Poetry, Manifestations of Rejection.