Year:2022   Volume: 4   Issue: 3   Area: Art and Design

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Mowaffaq Majid IBRAHIM, Hikmat AL-BAIDANI


Cinematic art has always sought to produce life according to visions and connotations that go beyond what is direct and familiar from a number of concepts, foremost of which are beauty and ugliness through its various narratives. There is a lot of beauty, even if it is built on an ugly foundation and composition through extrinsic treatments that varied in its forms and contents, as everything that is exotic and fantastic, whether it is at the level of actions or forms, places and accessories, which collectively formed the term grotesque, the first chapter of which came under the title (the methodological framework) The research included the research problem, its importance, and the objectives that the researcher sought to achieve, as well as the limits of the research that were relied upon in choosing the intentional sample within the reasons mentioned by the researcher in the body of the research. As for the second chapter (theoretical framework and previous studies), the researcher divided it into two sections: The first was titled (Conceptual Levels of Grotsk), in which the historical development of this term and how it was dealt with in various types of arts was discussed. As for the second topic, it was titled (Aesthetics of Grotsk in a of the fantasy film) and in dealing with the mechanisms on which the fantasy film depends, depending on the technical development in the production of these films. Through the two sections of the theoretical framework, the researcher extracted a set of indicators that were mentioned at the end of the chapter, and they were relied upon in determining the research tool for the purpose of analyzing the sample. As for the third chapter (research procedures), it dealt with the research method, the research community, the research tool, the unit of analysis, the validity of the tool, the steps of analysis and then the analysis of the selected sample, which was the movie (Avengers Edgame), and the fourth chapter, which was titled ( Results and conclusions) in which the researcher dealt with the findings, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions. ‎

Keywords: Recruitment, Aesthetic, Dramatic, Grotesque.